The Prince Edward North Pastoral Charge is a part of the East Central Ontario Region  of the United Church of Canada. An amalgamation of many churches, we now meet at Friendship United Church in Demorestville on Sunday mornings at 10:30am.

Whether we come together for worship, for Bible study, for special events, or just for fun,  we enjoy being together.  We always strive to offer a warm welcome, but, our prayer is that we are more than welcoming –   that, indeed, everyone can feel like they belong, and that they are a special part of the life of our community.

Here, we learn about our faith, and grow in faith.

We are called to be there for one another.  To share all of life’s blessings and struggles. To support and strengthen one another in the bad times, and rejoice with one another in the good times.  And to mark many of life’s important moments — celebrating births,  marriages,  anniversaries , and even celebrating a life that has ended.

We seek to support our own community of faith, our community at large, and even the larger global community the best we can. For example, we participate in relief appeals through the United Church of Canada.  We give generously to local foodbanks and other local outreach initiatives.  Every Christmas, we offer a free Christmas Dinner on Dec 25.  We hold monthly potlucks on the last Tuesday of each month, extending the invitation to our local community. We support our local Youth for Christ ministry.

Music and food are a big part of our life!

We reach out to the younger people in our community by holding special fun days on school PA days, and vacation Bible school in the summers.  We hold messy church events – which include videos, crafts, and food – on any 5th Sunday.

Our  Christian Education Center  is regularly used by our local Women’s Institute Chapter, and  houses a daycare that runs Monday to Thursday 8:30-5pm.  The CE Center is also used as a meeting space  for community groups – like 4-H, the Cattleman’s Society, etc.

Our facility is accessible.

Please come and join us some Sunday morning at 10:30, or at any of our many events.